David Beckham Tattoos

David Beckham Tattoos
David Beckham has an extensive collection of tattoos and most of them are related to his wife and kids. Actually, David Beckham’s collection began with the birth of his eldest son, Brooklyn. He had his son’s name tattooed across his lower back. The second tattoo was what he has called a guardian angel, a human figure with arms outstretched, tattooed across his shoulders and down his spine. The tattoo is placed so that it appears to be looking down over the tattoo of Brooklyn’s name. Tattoo session number seven saw the addition of wings to this figure and the addition of his second son’s name, Romeo, just above the figure’s head. For his wife, David Beckham had his wife’s proper name "Victoria" tattooed on the inside of his left forearm in Hindi. David Beckham’s right forearm speaks more of his soccer career. The Roman numeral VII, for the number seven, is tattooed on the inside forearm. All of Beckham’s skin art has been done by Manchester tattooist Louis Malloy. Aside from David Beckham paying for Malloy’s airfare to Madrid to do the winged cross on his neck, Malloy has said he charges the same to David as he would any other customer.
David Beckham Tattoos
British soccer player(or football player to some of you), David Beckham tattoo’s have been developing into quite a collection for many years. The total has just gone up to nine, with the appearance of a winged cross on the back of his neck right in the midst of the European championships. David Beckham’s tattoo collection began with the birth of his eldest son, Brooklyn. He had his son’s name tattooed across his lower back. The second tattoo was what David called a guardian angel, a human figure with arms outstretched, tattooed across his shoulders and down his spine, looking down over the tattoo of Brooklyn’s name. Tattoo session number seven saw the addition of wings to this figure and the addition of his second son’s name, Romeo, just above the figure’s head. For his wife, David Beckham had his wife’s proper name Victoria tattooed on the inside of his left forearm in Hindi. This tattoo raised one of the most common debates in getting a tattoo in a language that is not your own native one. This tattoo was also added to more recently. Under Victoria’s name is now the Latin phrase "Ut Amem Et Foveam" which translates to "So that I love and keep warm". I just wonder how many more he is going to add.