Blue & Red Anchor as a Necklace Tattoo

A fun design with a chain across the chest holding a blue and red anchor.

Girl with Side of Neck Heart & Anchor Tattoo

A red heart with a ship's anchor on top of it. A simple and nice tattoo on this girl, just a bit below her neck.

Old School Traditional Anchor Tattoo

Anchor and rope design. Nice bold shading for this popular theme of Old School tattoos.

Guy with Anchor Neck Tattoo

Guy has a couple of sparrows holding a banner in front of an anchor.

Dude w/ Pair of Anchors on Arms Tattoo

Simple pair of matching anchors in black ink. Kinda a Popeye placement on the forearms.

Colorful Anchor & Skull Design Tattoo

Brightly colored yellow anchor with diamond, a ruffled pattern, rays and skull in profile. Nice.

Cool Skull & Anchor Tattoo

Wow, what a nice Skull & Crossbones and anchor. Bright red and a well done skull in black ink.

Black Ink Anchor with Banner on Arm Tattoo

Girl with Anchor & Heart on Arm Tattoo

Sweet girly girl design with a brightly colored anchor with skull and big heart. Wonderful color scheme. Like the matching shirt

Nautical Anchor in Black & Red with Banner Tattoo

Cool design in red and black of an anchor w/ rivets. Banner and rope wind around it.

Black Anchor on Guy's Foot Tattoo

Simple black ink with white ink highlights of an anchor on this dude's foot.

Anchor, Star, Sparrows Tattoo

A matching pair of tattoos. Each has a large blue star set on a field of smaller black stars and dots. Two sparrows hold up a lock/anchor. Sweet design.

Colorful Anchor Sleeve Tattoo

Full-color sleeve featuring an anchor. Realistic rendition of colors and shading.

Red Anchor on Arm Tattoo

Nice contrast between the black ink flower wrist band and the softer color anchor and rope. Attractive forearm design.

Blue Anchor & Rope on Foot Tattoo

A nice blue anchor on this woman's foot. Rope wraps around the anchor.

Black Ink Anchor Waves and Bird Tattoo

An awesome design on this person's ribs/side. A dramatic scene with an anchor splashing into waves and a bird flying off. Very good detail outline work and shading.

Anchor, Diamond & Rose on Guy's Hand Tattoo

Dude's got a nice looking hand tattoo with a sparkling blue diamond and a red rose on either side of an achor. Nice shading to give the anchor a metallic tone.

Hawaiian Flower Tattoos

Hawaiian Flower Tattoos
These version of the hawaiian flower tattoos looks very nice sitting on this girls shapely hip. It is a well thought out, well drawn and well executed piece of work done by a very competent artist. And I say that because the flower looks so very realistic. The meaning behind his particular flower is that of soft and delicate beauty. And it should be worn by a young lady full with grace and charm. In the olden days it may have been reserved for daughters of chiefs and the like only.

The Hawaiian flower tattoos have several meaning but all the means are only different when the flower the tattoo features is different. This flower I believe is the hibiscus, typically known as the more tropical flower of the bunch, and that’s where those meanings of beauty and delicacy come from. And we all know there’s nothing wrong with a girl trying to show off her own beauty and radiance. After all, that is what they do with or without tattoos so why not. If a girl can express even more grace and beauty by use of hawaiian flower tattoos then I say go for it.

Pictures Of Tattoos

Pictures Of Tattoos
Well here we have a sheet of a bunch of pictures of tattoos. Mostly finished tattoos and all ones of some sort of elephant deity it would seem. I had no idea what this meant so I had to look it up and found that it is probably the Hindu God Ganesha, who appeared as what they explain was a beautiful woman with the head of an elephant. And to this day statues of such an elephant/woman goddess are still very prevalent in temples all over Southeast Asia. No offense meant but I would not call a woman with an elephant head anything close to attractive. I think I’ve even seen this girl once before, the last time I spent a year one night on Bourbon street in new Orleans. Depending on what you drink that can be a scary place to visit.

I have seen many thousands of pictures of tattoos in my time but this is the first time I have ever come across the elephant lady. It is not my favorite but I can certainly understand that someone who comes from that culture may want to get such a tattoo. And I am sure there are many very cool ones to choose from too. So, check out the pictures of tattoos for this one and see what they’ve got.

Pictures Of Tattoos
Here we have a grouping of pictures of tattoos. Tattoos that have been before. Tattoos that will be and tattoos that have not yet been realized. And as you can see these are all different styles of tribal tattoos. And all pretty nice tribal tattoos at that. I have to admit that I have rarely seen a tribal tattoo that I have not liked. I guess that style just appeals to me for some reason but I have no idea at all why that is. Maybe it is the hard lines and symmetrical styles that almost seem to represent some sort of order to me. I don’t really know but I like them.

When it comes to getting your own tattoo just make sure that you make up your mind for yourself. I have been to some tattoo parlors where they will really try hard to sell you on certain tattoos and that is, in my opinion, never the way to go. It absolutely must come from you. If it doesn’t come from you, one hundred percent, then I would say not to do it because at some point you will end up being sorry for it and that is not a good position to be in once you have a tattoo.

Lion Tattoo

Lion Tattoo
We are all familiar with lion tattoos. I think that most people have seen these tattoos either online or on an actual persons skin. But, not a whole lot of people are familiar with the symbolic meaning that these beast hold. So, let’s take a moment and take a look at the symbolism behind lion tattoos. Lions represent a whole host of traits which include strength, nobility and determination of spirit. But, lion tattoos can also represent courage, personal intensity and conquest. Of course with any animal that has a strong symbolic nature there are also some negative traits associated with the lion. These include vanity, pride and savagery. Also, the lion tattoo can have a religious meaning as well. It has come to symbolize Jesus Christ in almost every form of Christianity. And this is especially true when combined with a crucifix or crown tattoo. But, no matter what meaning you associate with the lion tattoo, it’s a design choice that identifies you as king of the jungle. And hopefully other people will view your new tattoo in that light as well. Now, who wouldn’t want a design like as a new tattoo addition or to complement an already established tattoo collection?
Lion Tattoo
The lion tattoo in the picture is an impressive example of what can be done with a little ink and the portrayal of these majestic beast. But, lion tattoos aren’t just beautiful, they also have a deep symbolism behind them. A lion symbolizes pride and nobility. It signifies power and strength. If you wish to get lion tattoos, here are some tips you need to follow. Check for lion tattoos patterns and designs at your local tattoo shops and talk to a few of the artist. They can be an invaluable resource for getting ideas about where you want to go with your design. If you can’t make up your mind because everything is beautiful and artistically designed then you need to choose your top 3 best lion tattoo designs. Ask your family and friends to look at the designs and let them vote for the pattern that suits your personality and style. Depending on which part of your body you wish for the lion pattern to be tattooed, the design can be altered to change in size. If you plan to have a lion on your back then the design can be extremely intricate and big. If you plan to have the lion on your neck or leg, the design may be reduced in size. Once you have completed all these steps then get ready to have your lion tattoo inked into your skin. Then you can enjoy it for a lifetime.

Shooting Star Tattoo

Shooting Star Tattoo
Shooting star tattoos are a very popular image, being versatile and pretty. They are suggestive of wishes coming true. They are also indicative of a persons desires to achieve success or stardom. A shooting star tattoo can incorporate a ‘trail’ of smaller stars, which is very pretty and delicate, a great way for a tattoo to cover a slightly larger area but still remain subtle. These tattoos are also a symbol for success and good luck, albeit of a short lived nature. Shooting star tattoos can also symbolize a brief fleeting moment in ones life just like the brief wonder of seeing a shooting star race across the night sky. Brilliant and stunning but lasting only a few moments before they burn up in the atmosphere. They can also be a symbol of reaching one’s ultimate destiny and are popular among stars of Hollywood society. The color of the tattoo can also have a significance. The purple hues depicted in the photograph for example, denote wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. It can also convey an underlying desire to achieve great wealth or material success. The lighter hues of purple around the shooting star tattoo may also convey a sense of nostalgia or a desire for romantic love.
Shooting Star Tattoo
If your looking for a particular meaning attached to shooting star tattoos, I’m sorry to disappoint you. There really is no predetermined symbolism for a shooting star. Back in many of the ancient cultures the aboriginal people thought that shooting stars were either the gods themselves or some sign from the gods. Thus the ancients would ascribe their own cultural meaning to these momentous events. Sometimes it might mean that more sacrifices are required by the gods or maybe it is time to plant the corn. Each of the different cultures had their own beliefs about what a shooting star meant. However, almost every culture held the star in high symbolic importance. In modern times we see shooting stars more for their beauty and brilliance and not as a message from the gods themselves. This allows us to ascribe whatever meaning we want. One of the common meanings that get ascribed to the shooting star tattoo is a seize the day symbol. A shooting star comes into the sky quickly and then burns out brilliantly all in a short span of time. Thus has lead some people see the shooting star a symbol to live life to the fullest. So, go ahead and get a shooting star tattoo and Carpe Diem (or seize the day)!

Swallow Tattoo

Swallow Tattoo
Swallow tattoos are a popular design that can have many different meanings all over the world. For a sailor the swallow tattoo was widely known as a status symbol. The swallow tattoos were meant to protect the sailor on their journey yet, others believed that if a sailor died at sea and had a swallow tattoo on their chest that it would fly their spirit to heaven. For this reason, swallow tattoos were a great comfort to sailors. The first swallow tattoo meant the sailor had traveled 5,000 miles and the second tattoo meant they had traveled 10,000 miles. Swallow tattoos are also a symbol of working-class pride, mostly in the UK. Swallow tattoos are also at times used in prison as a sign for "white power", a gang tattoo at times. Then again some freed prisoners get the swallow tattoo as a sign of freedom. Interestingly, both good luck and bad are attributed to the swallow. Some legends warn of a swallow flying through the house, since it brings tidings of displeasure from the gods, and likely foreshadows bad luck. In China it symbolizes daring, danger and a change for good in the future. But, when you come down to it only you can determine the meaning of your swallow tattoo.
Swallow Tattoo
Swallow tattoos are rich with history and symbolism all over the world. For thousands of people over the centuries, the little bird can be linked to health, wealth, loyalty, and the rigors of long distance travel, especially at sea. A symbol of hope for the return home, of loyalty to one’s family and home, of freedom, the swallow is a beautiful choice for a tattoo, whether or not you plan on spending your days out at sea. The swallow, as well as bluebirds and sparrows, has always had a symbolic meaning for sailors because, before modern navigation technology, these birds were usually the first sign that land was near. Another fact is that swallows return home every year, no matter where they are, thus symbolizing a safe journey home. But, one of the most impressive meanings of the swallow tattoo is fidelity. The swallow is a bird that chooses a mate for life. So, it’s only natural that it not only symbolizes a persons soul mate but also loyalty to the family. But, keep in mind tattoos mean different things to different people. Only you can decide how to explain the meaning behind your skin art, each has his or her own unique symbolic interpretation.

Tattoos Designs

Tattoos are wonderful pieces of body art. But, there are a few things to keep in mind before you get your favorite design inked into your skin as a tattoo. The most important thing to keep in mind is the health risk. Because tattoos involve using a needle which breaks the skin, you can be exposed to several different complications. These include both infectious diseases and possible allergic reactions. Though in reality the chance of contracting a disease is very small in most professional parlors. This is done primarily through the exclusive use of single use needles and autoclaves, though these aren’t used much anymore. A less significant risk is that the trace metal elements in the tattoo pigments, particularly in red and green pigments, will cause an allergic reaction. I once had an allergic reaction to calcutta black. The reaction wasn’t severe but it did cause much of the ink to leak out of the tattoo. If your not sure if your allergic to a particular ink then have your artist test a small area of your skin first. If you follow these recommendations you can get the design of your dreams without any complications.
When your looking for tattoo designs or tattoo flash don’t just limit yourself to the manufactured ones that are available on the internet. There are thousands of different designs in the world with probably millions of different configurations. What you really need to focus on is finding the right design for you and that takes a little research. Of course you can start off looking for tattoos on the internet, that will provide you some great examples of what can be done. But, don’t end your research there. Take a trip to your local library and see if the have any books on tattoos. If they don’t have them then don’t fret. Take a look at their folklore or mythology section. You will often find some great ideas for tattoos. Also, it might be worth taking a look at the magazine section as well. See what tattoos the latest celebrities are sporting on the bodies. And after taking all this information in then your ready to take the next step, which is simply to wait. That’s right take some time and think about what you want to have done and where you want to have it placed. Then after you have given it some thought you can proceed with your tattoo. All these steps insure that you not only get a design that fits you but also one that you won’t regret later.

Turtle Tattoos

Turtle Tattoos
If your thinking of getting a turtle tattoo there are many different styles available to you. You can choose from a tribal turtle, to a cartoon type turtle or even an actual depiction of a turtle as shown in the picture. But, there is one thing for certain. Turtle tattoos have a very deep and well established symbolism especially in Native American cultures. The turtle is a major character in Native American mythology. In some stories the turtle is responsible for creating North America and in other stories turtles are responsible for the creation of the entire world!! According to the vast majority of these stories, the spirit of the sky was looking down from the heavens through a hole she had found when suddenly she fell through and plummeted into the vast waters below. Concerned for her life, the Great Sea Turtle swam deep to the bottom of the waters, scooped up some earth on its back, and carried it back to the surface as a place for Sky Spirit to stand on. But, even if your not interested in the Native American interpretations of the turtle design, a turtle tattoo can still make a deeply meaningful design. Attribute your own meanings to it and make it a part of yourself.
Turtle Tattoos
I personally am a huge fan of turtle tattoos, and this one really interested me by the way it was designed. I really like how there is water and bubbles around the turtle which were used with a cornflower blue and a pastel blue. I like turtle tattoos so much I think I am going to get a few on my arms and lower back. I just recently bought a large book with hundreds of pictures of turtle tattoos, and this really helped me decide how I want my tattoos to be designed. My family thinks I am crazy for liking them so much, but I could care less because turtle tattoos are symbolic for being strong and empowered.

I would recommend getting a tattoo of a turtle as a first choice to anyone. If you really know which tattoo you want to get then contact a local artist and have him or her show you their work and see if they can take care of the design you really want. Its not that hard once you find the right tattoo artist. I know a couple here in town that I trust with almost any tattoo I want put on. Their is one girl that is the best I have ever seen anywhere.

Wing Tattoo

Wing Tattoo
Most wings tattoos come off the shoulder blades and go down the back. but this wings tattoo is unique. It comes off a central hub, which happens to be a lock, and goes across the upper part of the back and wraps onto the shoulders. This design is not very common, especially with the lock. This design is obviously meant to be a more masculine tattoo, with a rougher look and a darker shading then the common wings tattoo design. The edges of the wings have a ruffled look to them, and the shading on the tips of the wings is more pronounced then usual. The wings in this design or more symmetrical then most wings tattoos are, and the artist even equaled out the shading on each wing. One really uncommon feature of this tattoo is the lock. Most wings tattoos are meant to look like they are sprouting out of the back, but this tattoo is showing that the wings are being held together with the lock. The shading on the lock even has a masculine look to it, with a darker shading. Though not the stereotypical wings tattoo, it is still a great design and a great piece of artwork.
Wing Tattoo
When most people think of wing tattoos they think of designs that include angel or fairies. Or they thing of designs that include butterfly or dragonfly wing. But, really this is a limitation of the wing tattoo. The design is so versatile that almost anything can be incorporated into it. One of my favorite all time designs involved a wall clock that had wings sticking out from the side of it. Another design that I have seen recently involved a picture of a family pet with wings coming out of it’s sides. It was done really well and was used as a memorial for a deceased dog. But, the tattoo in the picture takes it all. It’s a Detroit Red Wings tattoo!! It was gotten by a die hard hockey fan who wanted to show his support of the team. It’s a really cool design but it gives me pause for a moment. What happens if the team changes it’s emblem or is sold to another team? Will the bearer of this wing tattoo still want to keep the logo on his skin? These are all important considerations that you need to make before getting any design inked into your skin. Logos and trademarks may seem cool at first but the longevity of the symbol may be limited.